Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Ok not to bash Irv or anything, cause I like his show. It's cool. Watching the recent episode of his estranged wife deb go on dates, since Irv is doing his thing. His philosophy for deb not finding a man, was that her options are slim to none when she has 3 kids,married to Irv, and has expectations of how much money, or the wealth of the man. His options for females are unlimited because he's a man, and woman don't care about the baggage he has. Is that true?

My opinion... Yes Irv has a good point on his theory on her finding a man that She wants. But her theory wouldn't be true if she considered someone who wasn't in the industry, who didn't have the long money, who wasn't tainted by the industry. But Irv at the same time wanted to feed her negative thoughts because he didn't want her to move on. It's ok for him to do it, but not for her. Are men in the industry so tainted that it's no hope for monogomy, instead it's fun-ongomy? do they all want there cake and ice cream and eat it too? Talks amongst yourselve's.....discuss!

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