Friday, April 18, 2008

RIP To Soultrain Awards

The “hippest trip in America” has pulled the plug on its annual award show. Reuters Life is reporting that the Soul Train Music Awards has been cancelled without explanation. The brainchild of former Chicago DJ Don Cornelius, “Soul Train” was due to celebrate its 22nd award show this year, but a spokeswoman for the program said the show would not go ahead as planned.
At last year’s event in Pasadena, many of the winners did not bother to attend, including such A-listers as Beyonce Knowles, Mary J. Blige, John Legend and Gnarls Barkley. [source]
Now I know Soultrain has fell off after Shemar Moore left, back in 2003 and I knew that they had pulled the plug on it's orignal night showing the back in the day "flash light" day's...but dang! The longest African American, historical show, and award show!....Oh well! I guess BET, and MTV knocked them out and that's the new Soultrain... RIP(Soultrian)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Soul train Awards fell off bad....I can't remember the last time I was interested in watching.