Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Deelishis= Hating On Ashanti & Nelly

Ok first I'm going to say this picture was actually taken during the BET's Hip Hop Awards show... I'm loving her look right now... it's what is called a CL (look to the right to get the lingo) She has taken the weave out and she looks good. Ok now with this "interview" If this is true, why are you blasting them? like seriously. Who are you to call them out? I don't think there a publicity stunt couple. I just think there's some hateration in the atmosphere... Someone might have there eye on Nelly. What real reason would Ashanti have? They have been together before this whole sleeping with Irv came out. Hatin! And why are You there? your 5 mins of fame didn't run out yet!?? with that weak a** song and video rump shaker.......Get it together! Hear the Interview is below

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